Northern Chicago Suburb CPA Practice
Listing #: IL1202
Location: Illinois
Type: CPA
Annual Revenue: $300,000
 Asking Price: $375,000
Presented by:
The Holmes Group
Toll-Free: 800-397-0249
This well-established CPA practice for sale in a Northern Chicago Suburb has 2020 annual gross revenues on track for $300,000. The practice has been providing tax services for businesses while enjoying substantial, healthy earnings since inception. The reputable practice caters to a quality client base; including mostly small business accounts with only a limited number of high-end 1040s not associated to the business accounts. This allows for steady cash flow throughout the year while it should also offer plenty of opportunities for expansion of services and continued growth through referrals. Furthermore, a marketing-oriented buyer has a terrific opportunity to tap the existing client base for new referral business and likely grow the client base substantially in the near future. This is a perfect opportunity for an experienced CPA ready to jump into practice ownership with an established book of business or an easy and profitable addition for an established practice looking to expand.
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