Northeast Pennsylvania CPA Practice
Listing #: PA1018
Location: Pennsylvania
Type: CPA
Annual Revenue: $201,495
 Asking Price:
Presented by:
Team Holmes
Toll Free: (888) 847-1040
This CPA owner is looking to sell a tax, accounting, and audit practice after 30 years in business. The practice has great year-round revenue which includes the services of tax (82%), accounting (7%), and audits (11%). The firm has proven a steady increase in annual revenues over the past several years with 2009 coming in at $201,495. The cash flow back to the owner is excellent, plus there is a great staff already in place. This could be your opportunity to add to your existing practice or get a business going without having to start from scratch. Under the right conditions, this owner might be willing to seller finance part of the sale. Contact us today to learn more!
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